Buyer Conversion Warranty (BCW) - Enrollment and Definition Requirements

Buyer Conversion Warranty (BCW) - Enrollment and Definition Requirements

Buyer Conversion Warranty (BCW) - Enrollment and Definition Requirements

Buyer Conversion Warranty - (BCW) Enrollment Definition

A Buyer Conversion Warranty (BCW) is created when a Seller Home Warranty (SHW)  is active and the property goes under contract to be sold  (i.e. buyer for the property).  HMS must be notified by the Agent/Broker, who will provide the buyer's information and the estimated closing date.  Once the closing occurs, the coverage converts to the buyer.  The BCW is effective on the effective date, provided that the required payment has been arranged to be received by us within seven (7) days of the closing.


When a buyer conversion is processed, the warranty number and property address does not change.  However, a new and separate record for the buyer is created and the seller warranty will remain in the system as expired.  Upon receipt of full payment, a welcome kit is mailed to the buyer at the appropriate mailing address.  The BCW is in effect for one year from the date of closing.



Buyer Conversion Warranty - (BCW) Business Requirements

·       An active Seller Home Warranty (SHW) can be converted once a closing date has been set. 

·       Funding for the buyer must be submitted to HMS within 7-30 days from the closing date

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