BBB & Social Media

BBB & Social Media

BBB and Social Media Escalations are created as manual tasks within Zoho and assigned to individual associates within each team.  T3 Associates can locate assigned tasks on the Kanban Task Board

There are three ways to create a task:
  1. Create a task  inside  a Service Request (Case)
    1. linked to a Customer and Case
  2. Create a task  insid e the Customer's Account, 
    1. NOT  linked to a Service Request (or Case)
  3. Add a new task manually:
    1. NOT  linked to a Customer Account or Case

Create Task in Customer's Service Request | Case

Copy and Paste the Service Job Number  from ServiceBench into Zoho Desk
  1. On the  Zoho Toolbar , use  Search  icon and enter the Service Job Number.
    Open the Service Job.
  2. Click  Activity  tab.
  3. Click  Add  (+), and click  Task.
  4. Complete the required task fields. 
    1. Task Subject:
      Enter the subject based on your team's current formatting rules.
    2. Task Type
    3. Escalations Type
    4. Task Owner : Assign to Team or Individual Agent
      1. Assign to Team:
        Click the   Task Owner  drop-down, and click the  Teams  tab. 
      2. Enter  BBB  to search for the BBB team or  Social  to search for the Social Media team.
        Now the task appears on the team backlog, however you can continue to the next
        step to assign to an Individual Agent within the team. 
      3. Assign to Individual Agent:
        Hover over the team's name and click the  Profile / Agent  Icon. 
        1. Enter a few letters of your agent's name to locate a profile.
        2. Click your name to assign.
    5. Escalation Reason
    6. Escalation Sub Reason
    7. Scroll to the Social Media and BBB  section and complete the required fields.
  5. Click  Save  to submit the task. 
    The task is saved to your task list but is not completed.
    1. Resolve the task.
    2. To reopen the task, mark the task complete, and add a resolution:
      1. Use  Kanban Task Board , or
      2. Use the  Activities  module.

Create Task in Customer's Account | No Case

Find the customer first! Use Contract # or Property Address.
  1. On the  Zoho Toolbar , use  Find  to locate a customer by
    Contract # or Property Address. Open the customer record.
  2. Click  Activity  tab.
  3. Click  Add  (+), and click  Task.
  4. Complete the required task fields. 
  5. Click  Save  to submit the task. 
    The task is saved to your task list but is not completed.
    1. Resolve the task.
    2. To reopen the task, mark the task complete, and add a resolution:
      1. Use  Kanban Task Board , or
      2. Use the  Activities  module.

Create Task | No Customer Account, Service Request, or Case

Since there's no customer or case, create a new task without any link to a customer or case.
  1. On the  Zoho Toolbar , hover over  Add  (+) and click  Task .
  2. Complete the required task fields. 
  3. Click  Save  to submit the task. 
    The task is saved to your task list but is not completed.
    1. Resolve the task.
    2. To reopen the task, mark the task complete, and add a resolution:
      1. Use  Kanban Task Board , or
      2. Use the  Activities  module.

Opening Existing T3 Tasks

Use the Kanban Task Board to see your work organized by statuses, such as Not Started, In Progress, Waiting on Someone Else, and Completed. There are a variety of statuses based on your team's standard operating procedures. 
  1. On the  Zoho Toolbar , click the  Expand  menu, and click  Kanban Task Board
    Click the My Tasks tab. The default will be All Tasks
    Your assigned work displays on the  My Tasks  page sorted by various statuses.

  2. The short form opens to allow Status and Task Comment updates. To update the required fields and status,
    open the long-form, click   Edit  (pencil icon).

  1. Login into Zoho.
  2. On Zoho Toolbar, click  Activities.
  3. On the bottom left panel, click  Tasks
  4. The tasks display on your screen, locate the task. 
  5. Click in the task row to open the task.
  6. At the top right of the task, click Edit icon (pencil). 
  7. On the Edit Task page, scroll to the bottom and find the
    Case field. Enter the case number. 
  8. Click the Search icon. If a case is found, it will display.
  9. Click Save to link case to task. 

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