Authorizations Outbound Call Script

Authorizations Outbound Call Script

An outbound call is required when:
  1. A job has been denied/partially denied.
    1. Unless CA/IA and NOT an emergency
  2. Unintentional disconnect by agent.
  3. Unintentional disconnect by caller.
  4. Medical Emergency/High Risk updates are available.
  5. Non-Covered Charges exceed $250 with SP supplied parts and repairs can be completed within the next 2 business days.
When making an outbound call:
  1. You MUST state your name and warranty type you are calling from when calling customers.
  2. If you are calling out to a customer who has a Sears warranty, you must state on the recorded line “Sears Home Warranty” at the call opening and closing.
  3. Calls can be made to customers between 8AM-8PM. This is specific to their time zone.
  4. While the scripting is not verbatim, “recorded” and “monitored” MUST be stated when providing the recording disclosure.

Outbound to Customer

Call Flow


“Hello. My name is <Agent Name> and I’m calling from <Warranty Type>. Please be advised that this call is recorded and may be monitored to improve quality. May I please speak with <Customer Name>?”


Customer Available

Customer Not Available

“We have an update to share with you regarding your <Item> request, is now a good time to speak?”
  1. If YES: Provide update to customer.
  1. If NO: “I understand. Please give us a call back at your earliest convenience at <Appropriate CS Number>.”

“Do you have any further questions for me?”

“Can you please have them call us back at their earliest convenience?”

Provide them the phone number to reach customer service according to their warranty.


“Thank you for speaking with me at <Warranty Type>. Have a great day!”


Leaving A Voicemail

“Hello, my name is “Agent Name” and I’m calling from <Warranty Type>. We have an update to share with you regarding your <Item> request if you could give us a call back at <Appropriate CS Number> at your earliest convenience. Thank you!”

DO NOT provide any information about the job in the voicemail!!

Outbound to SP/Distributor/Supplier/Etc.

Call Flow


“Hello, my name is “Agent Name” and I’m calling from Cinch Home Services. The line seems to have been disconnected while we were speaking previously, before we continue I do need to remind you that this call is recorded and may be monitored to improve quality.”

Customer Service Phone Numbers

Warranty Type

CS Phone Number

Cinch Home Services


Sears Home Warranty


Sears Scheduling


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