AR Transactions

AR Transactions

AR Transactions provide detailed information about the account’s payment/refund transactions. It displays the account’s true balance. This screen is for viewing purposes only.

Do not rely solely on the Enrollment Form screen for true account balance. It is recommended that the balance from the enrollment be verified by viewing the balance from AR Transactions.
  1. From the Menu Options tab, select AR Transactions.
  2. The AR Details screen will display.
    1. Unapplied Funds: Displays available money credited to a temporary holding account, pending determination or instruction on the breakdown of how the money is to be allocated (batch payments or expired and inactive accounts).
      1. Mortgage - contract cancelled or expired. The mortgage company was notified; however, the mortgage company continues to send payments to Cinch. The funds will remain in unapplied until Accounting processes refund.
      2. Mortgage - contract did not auto-renew. Accounting will manually renew and apply the funds.
        1. Pending Refund: Displays processed refunds, but not dispersed to the customer.
        2. Refund: Displays dispersed refunds.
    2. Balance: Displays the remaining balance due on the premium.
    3. Prior Years Balance: Displays the amount applied to the current contract from the previous year’s premium.
    4. Trans Date: Date the AR transaction was entered.  
    5. Trans Code: Abbreviation for the Description field.
    6. Description: Provides a description of the transaction.  
    7. Trans Amt: Displays the transaction amount credited/debited to the account
    8. Credit/Debit: Shows whether or not the transaction amount was added to the account (Credit) or charged to the account (Debit).
    9. Void Date: Displays a date if the transaction was voided.
    10. Comment: Displays any additional comments relating to the Description field.

Trans Codes & Descriptions

Trans Code




Bad Check

Payment via check not valid.


Cancellation Fee

Account has been cancelled.


Cancellation Fee Write Off

When the warranty has been reinstated and the cancellation fee has been waived.


Claim Adjustment

When cancelled, displays claims paid.


Claim Adjustment Reversal

When reinstated.


Claim Originated Refund

Refund from client.


Void Payment – Client File Originated

Payment sent from client did not go through. Client payment reversal transaction (duplicate transaction by the client),


Void Refund – Client File Originated

Client refund reversal transaction (duplicate transaction by the client).


Earned Premium

When cancelled, premium that the customer is responsible for.


Endorsement Add Options

Optional coverage added.


Endorsement Delete Options

Optional coverage removed.


Manual Refund

During POS, off-line refund did not go through printed check or through electronic file process.


Misapplied Funds (Suspense)

Payments applied to the wrong account.



Company adjustment for forgiveness or as a gift (waiver of past payments – gap).


New Warranty

Annual cost of new warranty.


Payment Received

Cinch received payment.


Premium Adjustment

Changes annual premium due.



Amount reimbursed to customer.


Renewal Warranty

Annual cost for renewed warranty.


Warranty Reinstatement

Shows amount due when reinstated.


Reverse Client Premium Adjustment

Removal of the charges to the annual premium.


Sales Tax

Applicable sales tax amount for the state.


Sales Tax Refund

Reimbursement of the sales tax amount.


Transfer Fee

When payment is made to transfer to new homeowner.


Transfer from a Suspense Account

Displays payment transferred from another account.


Unearned Premium

When cancelled, portion of annual premium that the customer is not responsible for.


Void Sales Tax Refund

When the contract was cancelled and reinstated, the sales tax refund is reversed.


Void Payment

Bad check or credit card chargeback.


Void Refund

Refund rescinded.


Warranty Rescission

When a warranty is rescinded.

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