APO: Escalations

APO: Escalations

When a customer escalates due to a delay in assigning a Service Provider and the Service Request is already in Dispatch, Escalations agents can offer APO ONLY after completing their own Service Locator, calling ALL Service Providers listed. If needed, agent can offer a Travel Fee following the Travel Fee’s & Master Coverage Verification process.

When to offer APO:
  1. We do not have a provider who services the item
  2. We do not have a provider who services the area
  3. We do not have a provider who can assist in a timely manner contingent on the severity (3 days from creation for Standard, 48 hours from creation for Emergency and Medical Emergency):
    1. Temps under 40
    2. Temps over 85
    3. No water to home
    4. No electricity to home
    5. No working toilets in home


  1. Advise customer of APO Instructions using the APO Script
    1. Start at Call Explanation
  2. Email APO Instructions to customers
    1. Captive Agents: Use Cinch APO Warranty Instructions on the Call Center Operations SharePoint Page.
    2. BPO Partner Agents: Use the APO Instructions Forms in the Operations Portal.
  3. Reassign the Service Request to Alternate Provider Option.
  4. Enter “Relayed APO Instructions” in the Comments.
  5. Refund the deductible following the Deductible Refund Process, selecting No SP Found as the reason.

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