APO: Admin

APO: Admin

Create a No Provider Found Profile in ServiceBench

  1. Verify if the out-of-network provider already has a profile set up in ServiceBench by hovering over the Admin tab, clicking Service Provider Maintenance and entering the name of the company in the Company Name field.
    1. If a profile already exists, add Owner Company to the Comments in their profile and skip to step 4.
  2. On the Service Provider Maintenance screen, click Create New.
  3. Enter the following general information to create the Service Provider Account:
    1. Company Name
    2. Contact Name
    3. Address
    4. City, State, Zip Code
    5. Country 
    6. Phone Number
    7. Email Address
    8. Region
  4. Verify the following statuses under General SP Info are set correctly:
    1. Account Status – Active (switch to inactive once assignment is complete)
    2. Service Provider Type – Contract Servicer
    3. Service Administrator Accept/Reject – Yes
    4. Only Program Availability – No
    5. Parts Ordering – No
  5. Capture the ServiceBench ID number so it can be used later when assigning the service job.
  6. Click Service Job Maintenance on top of page.
  7. Set Service Job Status to Active (switch to inactive once assignment is complete)
  8. Under the Service Job Type section, click Add Service Job Type
    1. On Service Job Type dropdown, select Carry-Into Service Provider
    2. On Status dropdown, select Enabled Without Schedule
    3. On Priority Level dropdown, select Tier 3
  9. Click Add service Type Again
    1. Under Service Job Type, select On Site Repair (Consumer)
    2. Under Status, select Enabled Without Schedule
    3. Under Priority Level, select Tier 3
  10. Under Service Request Types section, select Warranty and Preventative Maintenance and move them to the selected box.
  11. Click Save.

Profile Update

When setting up a new No Provider Found profile, Email Notifications and Auto Accept should be set up properly for the Service Professional. To do this, the SNAD Admin must login as the Service Professional to update the profile.
  1. Log into the No Provider Found account using the default information listed below:
    1. ServiceBench ID Number (generated after creating the SP profile)
    2. User ID: User
    3. Temporary Password: SP Zip Code
  2. Enter the contact information for the Service Professional. If you do not have the information, click Continue.
  3. Click I Agree on the following page.
  4. Enter a new password for the Service Professional. All new Service Professionals should be given the following password format:
    1. Cinch<Zip Code> with any 2 symbols after
    2. Example: Cinch33323*!
  5. The final screen requesting security questions should be skipped.
  6. Once fully logged in, click Service Job Configuration under the Jobs tab.
  7. Set Carry-Into Service Provider and On Site Repair (Consumer) as selected Auto-Accept Job Types, then click Save.
  8. Click Manage Locations.
  9. Enter a valid email address for the Service Professional, if one was given, for all Service Job Email notifications. 
  10. Click Save.

Assign the Service Request to the No Provider Found Profile

Once you have finished creating the No Provider Found profile, reassign the existing No Provider Found Service Request to the newly created profile.
  1. Open the correct Service Job.
  2. On the Edit/View Service Job screen, click Manually Reassign.
  3. Enter the Account Number/ServiceBench ID Number in the Company Number field.
  4. Enter a Comment using the below template:
    Created No Provider Found profile for <Service Professionals Name>. Original No Provider Found job number <SCC…..>. Created SS-Owner Co Claim Review exception to have service report/diagnosis entered.
  5. Update the existing SS-Owner Co Claim Review exception from Open to Pending status.

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