Administrator Account Set Up Process

Administrator Account Set Up Process

An Administrator is someone who will enroll warranties on behalf of the Real Estate Agent.

  1. Admin accounts must be set up through TIMX and not the ARC like an agent account.
  2. To set up an Admin account in TIMX, we need: 
    1. The Admin’s name
    2. The email address they want to use as their username
    3. The office they need to be tied to
      1. If tied to the Main, the Admin will have access to every office that reports to the main office
      2. If tied to the Branch, the Admin will only have access to that branch office

Sample of Admin Account Setup Request

Below is a sample email request to setup an admin account:

Admin Account Setup Process

  1. Search TIMX for the Admin’s name.  For this example, I searched both Barb and Barbara:

  2. Once you have determined that the Admin is not already in the system, click on Add to create a new Distribution Channel, then click Yes.

  3. Enter the Admin’s name on the top Name field, then select Basic for the PGM, and Administrator for the BUS TYPE.

    1. Refer to the office account on a separate screen to fill in the information for the Admin account.

    2. Be sure to use the Admin's email address in the email field. This email address will be their ARC Username.
      Once an email is used as the username, it can't be changed, and it can't be used again for a different account. 

    3. The RASL for the Admin account will match the RASL for the office they are tied to.

    4. For the Acquisition Cost Setup Tab:

      1. Distb Mech Code: Bottomline Laser Check

      2. Disb Acct Descr: HMS National

      3. Use Only for payment of acquisition cost? YES

      4. Is Distb Chnl allowed to withhold acquisition cost? YES

      5. Are we allowed to deduct cancellations from acquisition payment? NO

  4. Change the Distb Chanl Type Code from Main to ADMINISTRATOR.

    1. Save.

  5. On the Cross References tab:

    1. Cross Reference Type Code: ADMINISTRATOR

    2. Copy the MB# for the office.

    3. Paste the office MB# into the Distb Chnl Associated With field and hit tab. The office Type Code and Name will automatically populate.
      Enter today's date as the Effective Date.


  6. Comments Tab:

    1. Comment Title: New Admin

    2. Comment: After the day, enter how you got the information and then put your name.

    3. Save.

  7. Send the Registration email to the Administrator by clicking on the Email button.

    1. If the email was successful, then you will see a pop-up box saying the Email was sent to the Administrator.

    2. If there is any issue with the account setup or the email address, you will receive an error message at this time.

    3. Once the Registration email is sent, the Administrator has 48 hours to click on the link in their email to complete the process of setting up their account.

    4. After 48 hours, the link expires and will need to be resent.

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