Additional Failures

Additional Failures

When a Service Professional calls into Authorizations with additional failures to report on a Service Job, they can only be added if the job has not been completed.


  1. Capture additional part failures in the Part Lines.
  2. Verify part coverage.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click the original claim hyperlink.
  5. Reject the original claim and verify it shows $0.00.
  6. Go back to the Service Job and select the Create Claim button.
  7. Create a new claim based on updated information.
  8. Save, then Submit the claim.
    1. If the claim is Approved, advise the SP that the job is authorized and that they can complete the job via ServiceBench once the job has been completed.
    2. If the claim is Under Review or Rejected, manually approve the claim.
    3. If the claim has already been submitted and cannot be updated accurately, reject the original claim, then select Save as New Claim to recreate the claim and update correctly.
  9. Document accordingly.

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