Adding Additional or Optional Coverage

Adding Additional or Optional Coverage

Cinch members can enhance their coverage by adding additional and optional items, including the Premier Upgrade Package, to their plan.

What are Additional and Optional Items

Additions: Systems and Appliances that are covered under the base coverage, however, the customer has more than what’s included in the contract (i.e., refrigerator, water heater, HVAC, etc.).

Options: Systems and Appliances that are not covered under the base coverage (i.e., pool, spa, freezer, well pump, etc.).
Additions/Options vary per contract.

When Can Coverage Be Added

The customer has a total of 60 days to add and/or change additions/options selection (30 days before and 30 days after the warranty effective date).
Outside of the 30-day window, supervisor approval is required.
If a customer advises of a failure and wants to add the item to the coverage, agents must advise the customer that it will not be addressed due to pre-existing conditions. The customer will need to repair the item(s) before it can be addressed by the warranty. Referrals can be offered to the customers that qualify.


Additions/Options can be paid in full or added to the monthly installments.
  1. Mortgage and Utility customers MUST pay in full
  2. Sears and DTC – year 0 MUST be paid in full; Starting year 1 can be added to monthly installments.
  3. Change Plan Process - the cost of additions or options must be collected in full.

Suggested Scripting

"You are currently within 30 days of the warranty's effective date which means you have the option to enhance your plan with additional coverage. Examples of items that can be added are <Options/Additions based on Plan>. Which items would you like to add today?"

Premier Upgrade Package

Transition Statements:
  1. "I see you have not taken advantage of adding the premier upgrade package to your warranty. I would love to share the cost-saving features of this benefit."
  2. "I would love the opportunity to share with you the cost-saving benefits of our premier upgrade package and all that it entails."
For more suggested scripting, review Premier Upgrade Package (PUP).

Adding Additional/Optional Coverage Process

  1. From the Enrollment Form screen, click on Options (located at the lower right-hand side of the form).
  2. The Option screen will appear with 4 tabs to select additions and options:
    1. Common (Cinch Real Estate only): Options can be selected from the tab by entering the number of optional coverages that are needed in the field located to the right of them.

    2. Additions: Select the item requested under the Item column and enter the number of the item in the Addtl column.

    3. Options: The available options can be selected under this tab by entering the number of items needed in the Qty Opt column.

    4. Group Options: This tab displays items that are typically grouped together as a combo. The available options can be selected from this tab by entering the number of items needed in the Qty Opt column.

    5. Summary: Once all additions/options are added, the items, quantity, and cost will appear on the far right. Below the Deductible Amount can be changed (as necessary). The updated premium cost will be displayed in the bottom right corner.

Options and Additions that have already been purchased can be viewed under each tab. When options and/or additions are selected, the cost and item description will appear under the Summary section. 

Save and Collect Payment

Once you have selected the requested additions/options follow the steps below to complete the transaction.
  1. Select Save in the Options/Additions screen. You will receive a pop-up that gives the option to pay in full or add to installments. Select the appropriate option.
  2. Collect the payment.
    1. If the customer is paying monthly and has already made their first payment, the monthly amount of the additions/options must be collected.
  3. Recap and review all changes with the customer for accuracy before saving. Once saved, there may be a 24-hour wait before any other changes can be made again.
  4. Select Save at the top of SCM.
  5. Enter notes in the Comm. History Log.
    1. Real Estate ONLY: Enter one separate note with the Communication Type Option/Additional Item Sold to ensure you receive credit for all items sold.

Monthly Installment Example:

The customer adds the Premier Upgrade Package for $150 and prefers to add the additional cost to their monthly installments (if eligible).
  1. $150 divided by 12 is $12.50/month
  2. We must collect the total amount due (monthly) for the Premier Upgrade Package to bring the account current (e.g., one-time payment of $12.50)
  3. The following month the cost will be added to their monthly installment. Provide the customer with the new amount and the next bill date.

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