Add Additional Customer to a Contract

Add Additional Customer to a Contract

  1. Click the Menu Options icon on the TIMX SCM toolbar and select the Customer Maintenance button. The Customer Maintenance screen will display.

  2. To add a second name to the contract, complete the second line available at the top of the screen, tabbing through the available fields to add a prefix (if applicable), first, middle, and last name, a suffix (if applicable), and phone numbers. The effective date and expiration date will auto-populate.
  3. For each customer added, click the Copy Address From Primary Customer box or enter another address in the appropriate fields.

  4. In the E-mail: field, enter the customer's email address if provided.  
    1. If an email address is not provided, enter
  5. To add a third (or more) name to the contract, click the Add icon on the TIMX SCM toolbar to create another line and follow the instructions in Step 2 to complete. 

  6. Up to 10 names can be added to a contract.
  7. Click the Save button at the bottom of the Customer Maintenance screen.
  8. Click the Save button at the top of the main menu screen.
  9. Enter notes in the Communication History Log as appropriate and click the Save icon on the TIMX SCM toolbar to save the record.

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